Yep mini break again - lovely. This time managed to fit in a little work and relaxation in Auckland, visiting Sam and drinking awesome sangria in a spanish tapas bar.
We stayed at the Stamford Plaza again - we've tried most of the IBM rated hotels now and think the Heritage is our favourite but thought we'd remind ourselves about the Stamford (you can read my review on This time we spent a little time in the bar drinking Singapore Slings and Mojitos = yum. The irony of the situation is we went for a beer but with $10 bottles vs $15 cocktails the decision was a no-brainer.
After Wanaka and Queenstown my expectations of gluten free goodies were unrealistically high. Cafe's don't label their menus with GF like we are used to seeing here in Wellington (I had lunch at the Thistle today and even their menu notates allergen free dishes) and most didn't know whether a dish contained gluten or not - and honestly there are only so many poached eggs on GF toast a girl can have. Earlier in the year we made the trek out to Nosh in Glen Innes to experience their yummy goodies. The chef there (brilliant btw) told me that breakfast sausages don't usually contain gluten so I added them to the order a couple of times this visit.
The one yummy thing I did manage to eat in Auckland was an orange, almond and date friand from the Auckland art gallery. The gallery was fabulous as always but they have removed that beautiful red flower installation outside so here is a photo I have clipped if you hadn't seen it, and above is their beautiful moving flower installation inside (still there luckily):
I seem to have the coffee situation sussed but the rose tinting on my glasses is definately fading a tad, perhaps it was the cooler climate and the Wellington like winds? or we didn't go down to the wonderful bars in the viaduct or wynard quarter? or the excessive walking round Friday night looking for dinner somewhere that hadn't already turned into a nightclub?
Still - we're looking forward to our next Auckland visit - Radiohead, yay.
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